Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Wonderings of Whales

As I sat the other night musing of how my much my life is going to change once I go into space and how good it will additionally look on any dating service resume I began to think about the evolution of thought, life, and inevitably whales. Do whales date, I thought. And if so, what are their standards? Would a whale ever care about the exploration of space and if yes would it be for the sole purpose of picking up chicks (whale chicks). The answer is I don't know. But what I do know is that whales evolved from four legged carnivores (resembling the modern wolf, only much bigger) and eventually moved dwon to the beach to scavenge and eventaully progressed out into the sea evolving into the creatures we know today as whales. They retained their hin legs (although they are rather small and hidden) and have henceforth swan the sea in the same fashion that I one day swim in space. So, what have we gained from this. In short, nothing, but in the long run everything.


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