Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Last Unicorn

First, see this movie. I hadn't seen this thing since I was just a wee tot however, I was amazed at how much I remembered, and what an all-star cast is has. How easy the life of a unicorn must be. No regrets, no job, no worries. Ah. To be a unicorn. I of course would a manly unicorn. I would lay around all day scratching my horn and wondering what I would do with the day. Perhaps, on the best days, I would just wonder around asking other unicorns about stuff and see what they were doing. Additionally, I would recruit monkeys to do my bidding. They would be equipped with roller skates in case they had to take long journeys or needed to be a member of a quest to save the world. I, together with monkey madness, the name upon which they would be called, would rule the forest under the ultimate guidance of the horn. KAPLA!

To my Nan and Pamps

I do not even know how to begin thanking you for everything in my life. You are my life and everything good and pure in it. You helped make me the man I am today.

Thank you for my life.

Love you both very much.

Louis Warren

Thanks you for everything Louis. I will indeed never stop striving for my dreams. Thank you for your letter and kindness.



Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Astronaut charged in kidnapping

Has anyone heard about the recent kidnapping attempt involving a female astronaut? One word to describe this "Freaking nuts". The woman drove from Houston to Orlando in order to "confront" another woman about her relationship with a man they both knew. However, in order to get there more speedily she wore a DIAPER so she would not have to stop to pee or whatever else. What I am so shocked by is how determined this woman was. She was wearing a diaper in order to save time. WOW! You do not want a broad like that on your trail I assure you.

Monday, February 05, 2007

And again I cry

If Peyton Manning played for the bears I would be the happiest guy in the world.

Bill Self ultimate mullet

As a fan of KU basketball the question has come up several times as to the extent of Selfs hair plugs. Which raises the question what does he have to cut? If the baldness is simply on the top does he just have to cut his hair around the sides, and if so what kind of a hair style would that produce if he went without a haircut for a while. This hair style would be in the realm of Joe Dirt facial hair. An amazing "self"-imposed white trash hair style. I just can't get over how awesome the potential for this is. Also, do hair plus grow or go white? If anyone knows hit me back with an answer.

Bill on Conan


i hope you all had the opprotunity to see Bill on Conan the other night. I am looking into downloading it right now but I hear it is a good one. Get out there and find it if you haven't seen it yet.

The New Sulton of Swing


cheers my man for the donation. I really appreciate it. If you ever need anything just let me know.
