Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Last Unicorn

First, see this movie. I hadn't seen this thing since I was just a wee tot however, I was amazed at how much I remembered, and what an all-star cast is has. How easy the life of a unicorn must be. No regrets, no job, no worries. Ah. To be a unicorn. I of course would a manly unicorn. I would lay around all day scratching my horn and wondering what I would do with the day. Perhaps, on the best days, I would just wonder around asking other unicorns about stuff and see what they were doing. Additionally, I would recruit monkeys to do my bidding. They would be equipped with roller skates in case they had to take long journeys or needed to be a member of a quest to save the world. I, together with monkey madness, the name upon which they would be called, would rule the forest under the ultimate guidance of the horn. KAPLA!


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